Spinal Decompression

What to Expect

Spinal Decompression is a specialized treatment offered at our chiropractic office that focuses on relieving pressure and promoting healing in the spine. This non-invasive and gentle technique alleviates pain, improves mobility, and restores spinal health.

When you arrive at our office, our experienced chiropractor will thoroughly evaluate if Spinal Decompression suits your specific condition. If approved, we will proceed with the treatment.

You will be comfortably positioned on a specially designed table during a Spinal Decompression session. The table gently stretches and elongates the spine, creating negative pressure within the discs. This negative pressure helps to retract bulging or herniated discs, relieve pressure on nerves, and promote the intake of vital nutrients and oxygen into the affected areas.

Our chiropractor will closely monitor the session, adjusting the settings and traction force as needed to ensure your comfort and optimize the effectiveness of the treatment. You can relax during the session as the table performs therapeutic stretching and decompression.

The duration and number of Spinal Decompression sessions will vary depending on your condition and treatment plan. Our chiropractor will create a personalized approach to address your unique needs effectively.

After a Spinal Decompression session, our chiropractor may provide additional recommendations to support your healing process. This may include specific exercises, stretches, or lifestyle modifications that complement the treatment and promote long-lasting results.

Spinal Decompression offers a gentle and targeted approach to relieve pain, restore spinal health, and improve overall well-being. We are committed to creating a supportive and nurturing environment during your sessions, prioritizing comfort, and facilitating your body's natural healing process.

Experience the relief and restoration of Spinal Decompression by scheduling an appointment at our chiropractic office. Take the first step towards pain relief, improved mobility, and restoring spinal health.